Deportivo Independiente Medellín vs Atletico Junior, Liga BetPlay DIMAYOR II 2023 / BetPlay DIMAYOR II 2023 League

MEDELLIN - COLOMBIA, 13-12-2023: Jugadores de Atletico Junior, celebran con el trofeo como campeones de la Liga BetPlay DIMAYOR II 2023, en el estadio Atanasio Girardot de la ciudad de Medellin. / Players of Atletico Junior, celebrate with the trophy as champion of the BetPlay DIMAYOR II 2023 League at the Atanasio Girardot Stadium in Medellin city. / Photo: VizzorImage / Juan Jose Horta / Cont.
Filename: MJH Medellin v Junior Final Vuelta, 13122023030.JPG
Copyright VizzorImage / Juan Jose Horta / Cont
Copyright VizzorImage / Juan Jose Horta / Cont
Medellin, Colombia, Departamento de Antioquia, Sports, Deportes, Futbol, Football, Soccer, Deportivo Independiente Medelíin, Estadio Atanasio Girardot, Atanasio Girardot Stadium, VizzorImage, Ball, Balon, Liga BetPlay DIMAYOR II 2023, BetPlay DIMAYOR iI 2023 League, Sur America, South America, Referee, Arbitro, Player, Jugador, Tecnico, Coach, Guardavallas, Juan Jose Horta, Atletico Junior